To register for IT Skills Competition, please use the following link:


GCASH: 0933 822 2297 – Julius Cesar O Mamaril
LBP Bank Account Number: 0201-2381-70
Account Name: Council of Information Technology Education Deans and Heads (Reg I CITEDH-R1) Inc.
Bank: Landbank of the Philippines, City of San Fernando La Union

Kindly scan your Payment Receipt / Deposit Slip and submit it via the Google form provided for the IT Skills Competition above. The deadline for confirmation is April 7, 2024.

Web Design

Web design competition is to challenge competitors’ abilities in HTML and CSS (layout and theme composition). 2.5 hours will be provided to contestants to finish the website.



  1. The participant will be maximum of five(5 bonafide student currently enrolled in the respective College or University.
  2. The participant must be assigned by the school / coach / trainer to compete for the category Web Design.
  3. Participant who has skills and knowledge with HTML, HTML 5, CSS, and CSS3 are encouraged to compete in the Web Design competition.
  4. Participant should be in the venue fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the competition.


  1. A fulltime Teacher/Faculty affiliated and appointed by the respective school as a Coach / Trainor / Substitute coach for Web Design competition.
  2. A fulltime employee of the respective school either appointed as coach or substitute for a coach.
  3. A full time bonafide student currently enrolled (regardless of the number of units) may represent assuming items 1 and 2 are not met.


  1. The markup language to be used for the structuring and presenting the content of the website is HTML5.
  2. Only NOTEPAD++ (TEXT EDITOR) shall be used.
  3. Only the provided materials (text, images, and/or videos) are allowed to use.
  4. The participant will be given 2.5 hours to finish the website, after which judging will follow.
  5. The expected output of the webpage is: 2nd CCRSISC 2024 Promotional Web site.
  6. The web page requirements are the following:
    1. Home Page
    2. About Us Page
    3. Gallery Page
    4. Contact Us Page


The scores are determined by the scale of 1 to 4, setting 4 as the highest possible score and 1 being the lowest. The following is the rubric to evaluate the developed website:















The website has an exceptionally attractive and usable layout.

It’s easy to locate important elements.

The website has an attractive and usable layout.

It is easy to locate important elements

The website has a usable layout but looks busy or boring.

It’s easy to locate some of the important elements

The website has cluttered and confusing layout.

It’s difficult to locate important elements


   2.      Links and Navigation

Links and navigations are clearly labeled and consistently placed.

It’s easy to navigate from one page to page.

Links are labeled and allow the reader to easily move

from page to page

Links allow the reader to move from page to page, but some links are missing

Links are missing and don’t allow the reader to easily navigate.

   3.     Theme and


Website uses

consistent color scheme throughout the website.

Fonts are consistently used and consistently highlight titles.

Texts are easy to read.

All pages are related.

Website has a color scheme.

Fonts are consistently used, and highlights titles.

Texts are readable.

Website uses color scheme but not all pages are the same.

Fonts are consistently used, and texts are readable.

Website has no color scheme.

Fonts are not consistently used, and some texts

are unreadable.

   4.    Content

The site has a clearly stated purpose and theme is carried out throughout the site.

There are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

The site has a clearly stated purpose and theme but may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it.

There are 1-3 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

The purpose and theme of the site is somewhat vague.

There are 4-5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

The site lacks a purpose and theme.

There are more than 5 errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

   5.      Creativity and Design

Excellent sense of creativity and design.

Graphic elements enhance and

Creativity and design enhance the content. 

Good use of graphics

Minimal use of design elements.

Lots of text, little use of other elements such as graphics or

Use of elements detracts from presentation.

Graphics, color



support the presentation of content.

and/or other design elements.



transitions and backgrounds disrupt flow.



The website content adapts and fit to the different screen and window sizes.

It looks exceptionally good on the screen.

The website content adapts   to the different screen and window sizes.

It looks good on the screen.

Some contents of the website do not adapt to the different screen and window sizes.

The website is not responsive.


  1. Certificates of Achievement will be given to all qualified participants and coaches.
  2. Individual medals and cash prizes will be given to team members who will win the following awards:
    1. First Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize
    2. Second Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize
    3. Third Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize

Quiz Bee

The IT Quiz Bee will test the knowledge of the contestants in Information Technology.



  1. The participant will be max of five (5) bonafide student currently enrolled in the respective College or University.
  2. The participant must be assigned by the school / coach / trainer to compete for the Quiz Bee category.
  3. Participant should be in the venue fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the competition.
  4. The questions shall come from the following categories:
  5. Basic Computer Concepts and General Information (IT)
  6. Operating System
  7. Software Engineering
  8. Object Oriented Programming
  9. Computer Networks
  10. Computer Organizaton & Architecture
  11. Database Management System/Data Science and Analytics
  12. E Commerce
  13. IT Security



  1. A fulltime Teacher/Faculty affiliated and appointed by the respective school as a Coach / Trainor / Substitute coach for Quiz Bee competition.
  2. A fulltime employee of the respective school either appointed as coach or substitute for a coach.
  3. A full time bonafide student currently enrolled (regardless of the number of units) may represent assuming items 1 and 2 are not met.


  1. For the elimination round, a pen and paper test will be administered.
  2. For the final round, the top 10 contestants will be selected based from their score from the first round and will compete for the final round in the convention hall.
  3. Judges for the final round will comprise of 2-3 faculty experts in the field of IT.
  4. The judges will have the final say in case a protests/complaints during the competition.

Elimination Round: In the event of a tie, whoever gets the most number of correct answers from the last 5 items of the question will get the spot.



The competition will be in three rounds namely: EASY, AVERAGE and DIFFICULT rounds.

EASY Round, there are ten (10) questions and each qualifier are given twenty (20) seconds to answer for each question. For each correct answer, gets two (2) points.

AVERAGE Round, there are ten (10) question and  each qualifier are  given  thirty (30) seconds to answer for each question. For each correct answer,  gets three (3) points.

DIFFICULT Round, , there are ten (10) questions and each qualifier are given forty (40) seconds to answer for each question. For each correct answer, gets five (5) points.

 In case of a tie, there will be three (3-5) questions to be asked. The participant shall be given ten (10) seconds to answer. For each correct answer, gets ten (10) points.



  1. Certificates of Achievement will be given to all qualified participants and coaches.
  2. Individual medals and cash prizes will be given to team members who will win the following awards:
  3. First Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize
  4. Second Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize
  5. Third Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize

Mobile Legend



  1. The participant will be max of five (5) team with five (5) bonafide student each team and currently enrolled in the respective College or University.
  2. The participant must be assigned by the school / coach / trainer to compete for the Mobile Legend category.
  3. Participant should be in the venue fifteen (15) minutes before the start of the competition
  4. A team must be consist of 5 main players(required), 1-2 reserved players and 1 coach or player coach.
  5. Once nominated/registered regular/reserved players cannot be replaced throughout the event.



  1. A fulltime Teacher/Faculty affiliated and appointed by the respective school as a Coach / Trainor / Substitute coach for Mobile Legend competition.
  2. A fulltime employee of the respective school either appointed as coach or substitute for a coach.
  3. A full time bonafide student currently enrolled (regardless of the number of units) may represent assuming items 1 and 2 are not met.


  1. A fulltime Teacher/Faculty affiliated and appointed by the respective school as a Coach / Trainor / Substitute coach for Mobile Legend competition.
  2. The tournament is an Online Tournament.
  3. Players will be advised of schedule and timing of matches thru their registered email address.
  4. Only Tournament Director can alter schedule and timing of matches
  5. Players are expected to conduct themselves and compete with the spirit of sportsmanship, maintaining a friendly and polite demeanor in activities involving other participants and public in general.
  6. The organizer has the right to apply penalties, disqualify and dismiss any registered player from the tournament, at their discretion, at any stage of the tournament.
  7. Cheating doesn’t need to be successful to qualify as a violation. Conspiring to cheat is already a violation and will lead to an automatic disqualification for all conspirators.
  8. All participants will be advised of other rules or technical aspects of tournament prior to start of competitions



  1. Certificates of Achievement will be given to all qualified participants and coaches.

2. Medal and cash prizes will be given to team members who will win the following awards:

  • First Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize
  • Second Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize
  • Third Place – Medal, CERTIFICATE of RECOGNITION and Cash Prize