Constitution and By-laws


We the officers and members of the COUNCIL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION DEANS AND HEADS – REGION I (CITEDH – RI) imploring the aid of Divine Providence in order to establish and maintain an organization that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote our general welfare, support the school administration, to conserve and develop high standards of our institution, and to secure to ourselves and our prosperity the blessing of equality, do ordain and promulgate this constitution and by-laws.

Article I
Name of the Society and Principal Location

Section 1. Name.

Section 2. Principal Office.
The principal office shall be located at the Office of Elected President.

Article II

Section 1. Objectives.
The general objectives of this organization shall be the promotion of quality Information Technology among HEI’s in Region I.

Section 2. Specific objectives.
The organization shall:
2.1 Provide and enhance the quality of IT Education programs in collaboration with other key stakeholders.
2.2 Promote the exchange of information and knowledge among members, with other IT Educators to continuously improve IT Education programs and produce professional IT graduates.
2.3 Promote the excellence of the country in the field of IT Education.
2.4 Provide a forum for communication, cooperation and collaboration among the members.
2.5 Promote IT Education research and extension services toward progress.
2.6 Establish formal collaboration between and among academe and Government Agencies, Business and Industry sectors and other organizations.
2.7 Identify issues affecting IT Education and develop strategies to achieve the various missions of HEIs offering IT Education.
2.8 Contribute to the development of ITE Policy and administration issues in the Region.
2.9 Conduct other related activities.

Article III
Membership and Benefits

Section 1. The members of the Council are the Deans, Program Heads, ITE and Allied Programs Faculty Members of all HEIs in Region I offering IT Education.
**Non-teaching personnel and IT practitioners can be the members of the organization but not limited to Region 1.

Section 2. Benefits
2.1 Learn from each other ways to prepare and implement programs.
2.2 Share experiences on managing the academic programs within the disciplinary structure of a Higher Educational Institution.
2.3 Discuss development of curricula and how to meet the needs of students.
2.4 Collaborate on a wide range of IT Education issues.
2.5 Work to improve and maintain quality of IT Education and to exchange information and good practice.
2.6 Identify and address issues in IT Education and research.

Article IV

Section 1. The council shall meet annually on the third Friday of May.

Section 2. The council shall have two regular meetings per semester. However, officers can hold emergency meeting as needed.

Section 3. Businesses will proceed according to the agenda.

Section 4. Quorum.
There is quorum when a simple majority of Members and Officers are present.

Section 5. Voting.
Motions are carried with a simple majority of those present.

Section 6. Representatives attending meetings on behalf of Council members may vote. Institutions with two or more representatives may only exercise one vote.

Section 7. Meetings shall be announced by posting publicly in the Official Council Website or emailed through the mailing list of IT Deans, ( a week prior thereto.

Article V

Section 1. Officers.
The organizations shall have the following set of officers.

1. President
2. Vice Presidents
• Ilocos Norte
• Ilocos Sur
• La Union
• Pangasinan
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Auditor
6. PRO

7. Division Representatives

Section 2. Election.
Members shall elect the Officers of the organization from among themselves. All officers of the council shall be elected by a fellow’s nomination and seconded by members of the council. The incoming officers shall be elected on the second General Assembly of the incumbent officers. The Chair and immediate past Chair may hold their office on the council although no longer serving as a Dean or Head of the ITE Department, provided they are active members of the academe.

Section 3. Term.
All elected and appointed Officers shall hold office for a term of two (2) successive academic years upon election or appointment into his position and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. He/She may be nominated and elected or appointed again for a position after at least one year of rest.

Section 4. Succession.
In the event that the President is not being able to perform his/her duties or become incapacitated the Vice-President shall be the officer in-charge or acting President.

In case of any of the above cannot be followed then the newly elected Officers will be brought forward; and will continue to complete the full term.

Section 5. Qualifications of Officers.
The officers of CITEDH – RI shall be Deans, Heads, or Faculty member of ITE & Allied Programs of HEIs offering ITE program/s.

Article VI
Duties of Officers

Section 1. President
1.1 To call and preside over meeting of the CITEDH – RI but in case he/she desires to take part in the debate/discussion he/she may empower the Vice-President.
1.2 To approve all financial transactions
1.3 To create committees when the need arises.
1.4 To present the annual report to the CITEDH – RI during its annual meeting

Section 2. Vice-President
2.1 To act as presiding officer upon appointment by the president
2.2 To help the President implement the rules and regulations promulgated by the CITEDH – RI.
2.3 To help the President in all matters where his/her assistance is needed.
2.4 To coordinate the functions of the working committees of the CITEDH – RI.

Section 3. Secretary.
3.1 To call the roll in every meetings of the CITEDH – RI
3.2 To take down notes and keep records of the minutes of all meeting and prepare other pertinent data/papers of the organization.
3.3 To perform other functions inherent in the position and such other duties as may be delegated to him by the President.

Section 4. Treasurer.
4.1 To prepare the budgetary proposal of the CITEDH – RI and act as the custodian to all funds of the organization.
4.2 To disburse funds as approved by the President of the Organization.
4.3 To make a financial report to be submitted to the CITEDH – RI during the annual meeting

Section 5. Auditor.
5.1 To audit all financial transaction of the organization.
5.2 To see to it that money and financial records of the organization are in order.
5.3 To maintain an independent review and examination of the financial records of the CITEDH – RI.

Section 6. PRO.
6.1 To issue press release on matters pertaining to the organization.
6.2 to make announcement as approved by the President when the CITEDH – RI is not in session.
6.3 To coordinate with the Deans/Heads of HEIs Offering ITE regarding activities.

Article VII

Section 1. The council may affiliate with such other bodies (local, regional, national or international) as may be desirable in order to further improve the educational system.

Article VIII
Fees and Dues

Section 1. Membership Fee
The institution membership fee shall be THREE THOUSAND PESOS (PHP 3,000.00) payable during the Annual General Assembly. And individual membership shall be THREE HUNDRED PESOS (PHP 300. The institutional membership shall have 2 free individual members.

Article IX

Section 1. Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be made only by two-thirds majority of votes cast at any of the general meetings of the council.

Section 2. Non-teaching personnel and IT practitioners can be the members of the organization but not limited to Region 1.

The text of proposed amendments must be presented in writing to the Secretary one month before the next general meeting of the Council.
This Constitution and By-laws is hereby ratified this 21st day of May year two thousand and four at San Fernando City, La Union.

Signed by 21 members including the

Division Representatives